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HomePowershellConvert particular desk of excel sheet to JSON utilizing PowerShell

Convert particular desk of excel sheet to JSON utilizing PowerShell

There is a wonderful script on GitHub that helps to transform a full Excel sheet to JSON format utilizing PowerShell. The script expects the desk to be in the beginning of the sheet; that’s, to have the primary header within the A1 cell.

I had a bit completely different requirement. I needed to convert a selected desk amongst varied tables obtainable inside a sheet in an Excel file as proven in picture beneath.

Screenshot of an Excel sheet showing a table in the middle of a sheet instead of at the start

Our requirement is to learn Class 6 pupil’s knowledge. Within the above screenshot, there are a number of sheets inside the Excel workbook. There are a number of tables like Class 1, Class 2, and so forth contained in the Science sheet.

As our requirement is to solely learn Class 6 pupil’s knowledge from Science sheet, let’s look carefully at how the information is obtainable within the Excel sheet.

  • The identify of the category is at row 44.
  • The column headers are on row 45.
  • The information begins from row 46.


The tables may be at any location (any column and any row) inside the sheet. The one mounted identifier is ClassName which is Class 6 on this instance.

Steps to comply with

Observe these steps to see how one can learn Class 6 knowledge from Science sheet:

Deal with enter parameters.

The script accepts 3 parameters:

  • $InputFileFullPath – That is path of the enter Excel file.
  • $SubjectName – That is identify of the sheet contained in the Excel file.
  • $ClassName – That is identify of the desk inside the Excel sheet.
$ClassName="Class 6"

Open the Excel file and skim the Science sheet.

$excelApplication = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Utility
$excelApplication.DisplayAlerts = $false
$Workbook = $excelApplication.Workbooks.Open($InputFileFullPath)
$sheet = $Workbook.Sheets | The place-Object { $_.Title -eq $SubjectName }
if (-not $sheet) { throw "Couldn't discover topic '$SubjectName' within the workbook" }

Seize the Class 6 desk inside the Science sheet to work with.

# Discover the cell the place Class identify is talked about
$discovered = $sheet.Cells.Discover($ClassName) #discover the cell the place Class identify is talked about
$beginAddress = $Discovered.Deal with(0,0,1,1).Cut up("!")[1]
$beginRowAddress = $beginAddress.Substring(1,2)
$startHeaderRowNumber = [int]$beginRowAddress + 1 #header row begins 1 row after the category identify 
$startDataRowNumber = $startHeaderRowNumber + 1 #pupil knowledge row begins 1 rows after header row
$beginColumnAddress = $beginAddress.Substring(0,1)
$startColumnHeaderNumber = [BYTE][CHAR]$beginColumnAddress - 65 + 1 #ASCII variety of column

Extract the header column names (Logical Seat Location, Precise Seat Location, LAN Port #, Monitor Cable Port, Scholar Title, Scholar#, and Room Kind)

$Headers          = @{}
$numberOfColumns  = 0
$foundHeaderValue = $true
whereas ($foundHeaderValue -eq $true) {
    $headerCellValue = $sheet.Cells.Merchandise($startHeaderRowNumber, $numberOfColumns+$startColumnHeaderNumber).Textual content 
    if ($headerCellValue.Trim().Size -eq 0) {
        $foundHeaderValue = $false
    } else {
            #don't add any duplicate column once more.
            $Headers.$numberOfColumns = $headerCellValue
$rowNumber = $startDataRowNumber
$end = $false
whereas($end -eq $false)
    if ($rowNumber -gt 1) {
        $end result = @{}        
        foreach ($columnNumber in $Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
            $columnName = $columnNumber.Worth
            $cellValue = $sheet.Cells.Merchandise($rowNumber, $columnNumber.Title+($startColumnHeaderNumber-1)).Value2 # pupil knowledge row, pupil knowledge column quantity
            if($cellValue -eq $null)
                $end = $true
            $end result.Add($columnName.Trim(),$cellValue.Trim())
        if($end -eq $false)
            $end result.Add("RowNumber",$rowNumber) #including excel sheet row quantity for validation        
            $outcomes += $end result

Create the JSON file and shut the Excel file.

$inputFileName = Cut up-Path $InputFileFullPath -leaf
$jsonOutputFileName = "$($inputFileName.Cut up(".")[0])-$SubjectName-$ClassName.json"
$jsonOutputFileFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($jsonOutputFileName) #Output file identify will probably be "ABCDSchool-Science-Class 6.json" 
Write-Host "Changing sheet '$SubjectName' to '$jsonOutputFileFullPath'"
$ignoreOutput = $outcomes | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath $jsonOutputFileFullPath
$ignoreOutput = $excelApplication.Workbooks.Shut()
$ignoreOutput = [void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excelApplication)

Placing all of it collectively

The total code goes like this:

param (
    # Excel identify
    # Sheet identify
    # Identifier for the desk

#area Open Excel file
$excelApplication = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Utility
$excelApplication.DisplayAlerts = $false
$Workbook = $excelApplication.Workbooks.Open($InputFileFullPath)

# Discover sheet
$sheet = $Workbook.Sheets | The place-Object { $_.Title -eq $SubjectName }

if (-not $sheet) {
    throw "Couldn't discover topic '$SubjectName' within the workbook"
#endregion Open Excel file

#area Seize the desk inside sheet to work with
# Discover the cell the place Class identify is talked about
$discovered           = $sheet.Cells.Discover($ClassName)
$beginAddress    = $Discovered.Deal with(0, 0, 1, 1).Cut up('!')[1]
$beginRowAddress = $beginAddress.Substring(1, 2)
# Header row begins 1 row after the category identify
$startHeaderRowNumber = [int]$beginRowAddress + 2
# Scholar knowledge row begins 1 row after header row
$startDataRowNumber = $startHeaderRowNumber + 1
$beginColumnAddress = $beginAddress.Substring(0,1)
# ASCII variety of column
$startColumnHeaderNumber = [BYTE][CHAR]$beginColumnAddress - 65 + 1
#endregion Seize the desk inside sheet to work with

#area Extract Header Columns Title
$Headers          = @{}
$numberOfColumns  = 0
$foundHeaderValue = $true

whereas ($foundHeaderValue -eq $true) {
    $headerCellValue = $sheet.Cells.Merchandise(
        ($numberOfColumns + $startColumnHeaderNumber)
    ).Textual content

    if ($headerCellValue.Trim().Size -eq 0) {
        $foundHeaderValue = $false
    } else {
        if ($Headers.ContainsValue($headerCellValue)) {
            # Don't add any duplicate column once more.
        } else {
            $Headers.$numberOfColumns = $headerCellValue
#endregion Extract Header Columns Title

#area Extract Scholar Data Rows
$outcomes   = @()
$rowNumber = $startDataRowNumber
$end    = $false

whereas ($end -eq $false) {
    if ($rowNumber -gt 1) {
        $end result = @{}

        foreach ($columnNumber in $Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
            $columnName = $columnNumber.Worth
            # Scholar knowledge row, pupil knowledge column quantity
            $cellValue = $sheet.Cells.Merchandise(
                ($columnNumber.Title + ($startColumnHeaderNumber - 1))

            if ($cellValue -eq $null) {
                $end = $true

            $end result.Add($columnName.Trim(),$cellValue.Trim())

        if ($end -eq $false) {
            # Including Excel sheet row quantity for validation
            $end result.Add("RowNumber",$rowNumber)
            $outcomes += $end result
#endregion Extract Scholar Data Rows

#area Create JSON file and shut Excel file
$inputFileName = Cut up-Path $InputFileFullPath -leaf
$inputFileName = $inputFileName.Cut up('.')[0]
# Output file identify will probably be "ABCDSchool-Science-Class 6.json"
$jsonOutputFileName     = "$inputFileName-$SubjectName-$ClassName.json"
$jsonOutputFileFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($jsonOutputFileName)

Write-Host "Changing sheet '$SubjectName' to '$jsonOutputFileFullPath'"

$null = $outcomes |
    ConvertTo-Json |
    Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath $jsonOutputFileFullPath
$null = $excelApplication.Workbooks.Shut()
$null = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject(
#endregion Create JSON file and shut Excel file

The output JSON file will seem like beneath:

        "Room Type":  "Standard",
        "RowNumber":  46,
        "Student Name":  "Alex",
        "Student#":  "RL45",
        "LAN Port #":  "LAN Port 7-8",
        "Logical Seat Location":  "SL 11",
        "Actual Seat Location":  "Seat43",
        "Monitor Cable Port":  "C-D"
        "Room Type":  "Standard",
        "RowNumber":  47,
        "Student Name":  "Alex",
        "Student#":  "RL45",
        "LAN Port #":  "LAN Port 5-6",
        "Logical Seat Location":  "SL 11",
        "Actual Seat Location":  "Seat43",
        "Monitor Cable Port":  "A-B"
        "Room Type":  "Standard",
        "RowNumber":  48,
        "Student Name":  "John",
        "Student#":  "RL47",
        "LAN Port #":  "LAN Port 3-4",
        "Logical Seat Location":  "SL 11",
        "Actual Seat Location":  "Seat43",
        "Monitor Cable Port":  "C-D"
        "Room Type":  "Standard",
        "RowNumber":  49,
        "Student Name":  "John",
        "Student#":  "RL47",
        "LAN Port #":  "LAN Port 1-2",
        "Logical Seat Location":  "SL 11",
        "Actual Seat Location":  "Seat43",
        "Monitor Cable Port":  "A-B"
        "Room Type":  "Standard",
        "RowNumber":  50,
        "Student Name":  "Victor",
        "Student#":  "RL35",
        "LAN Port #":  "LAN Port 7-8",
        "Logical Seat Location":  "SL 10",
        "Actual Seat Location":  "Seat33",
        "Monitor Cable Port":  "C-D"
        "Room Type":  "Standard",
        "RowNumber":  51,
        "Student Name":  "Victor",
        "Student#":  "RL35",
        "LAN Port #":  "LAN Port 5-6",
        "Logical Seat Location":  "SL 10",
        "Actual Seat Location":  "Seat33",
        "Monitor Cable Port":  "A-B"
        "Room Type":  "Standard",
        "RowNumber":  52,
        "Student Name":  "Honey",
        "Student#":  "RL42",
        "LAN Port #":  "LAN Port 3-4",
        "Logical Seat Location":  "SL 10",
        "Actual Seat Location":  "Seat33",
        "Monitor Cable Port":  "C-D"

Be happy to drop your suggestions and inputs on this web page. Until then, Pleased Scripting!!!

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