Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeJavaWildFly 29, JDK 21 in RDP2, Helidon 4.0-M1, Oracle Vital Patch Updates

WildFly 29, JDK 21 in RDP2, Helidon 4.0-M1, Oracle Vital Patch Updates

This week’s Java roundup for July seventeenth, 2023 options information from JDK 22, JDK 21, JDK 20, BellSoft, releases of: Spring Boot; Spring Framework; Spring for GraphQL; Spring Session; Spring Integration and Spring HATEOAS; WildFly 29, Quarkus 3.2.1, Helidon 4.0-M1, Micronaut 4.0.1, Hibernate 6.3-CR1, MicroProfile Config 3.1, Infinispan 14.0.13, PrimeFaces 12.0.5, OpenXava 7.1.3 and Gradle 8.3-RC1.

JDK 20

JDK 20.0.2, the second upkeep launch of JDK 20, together with safety updates for JDK 17.0.8, JDK 11.0.20 and JDK 8u381, had been made accessible as a part of Oracle’s Releases Vital Patch Replace for July 2023.

JDK 21

As per the JDK 20 launch schedule, Mark Reinhold, chief architect, Java Platform Group at Oracle, formally declared that JDK 21 has entered Rampdown Section Two to sign continued stabilization for the GA launch in September 2023. Vital bugs, reminiscent of regressions or severe performance points, could also be addressed, however have to be authorized through the Repair-Request course of.

The ultimate set of 15 options in JDK 21 will embody:

Construct 32 of the JDK 21 early-access builds was additionally made accessible this previous week that includes updates from Construct 31 that embody fixes to numerous points. Additional particulars on this construct could also be discovered within the launch notes.

JDK 22

Construct 7 of the JDK 22 early-access builds was additionally made accessible this previous week that includes updates from Construct 6 that embody fixes to numerous points. Extra particulars on this construct could also be discovered within the launch notes.

For JDK 22 and JDK 21, builders are inspired to report bugs through the Java Bug Database.


Additionally concurrent with Oracle’s Vital Patch Replace (CPU) for July 2023, BellSoft has launched CPU patches for variations, and 8u381 of Liberica JDK, their downstream distribution of OpenJDK. As well as, Patch Set Replace (PSU) variations 20.0.2, 17.0.8, 11.0.20 and 8u382, containing CPU and non-critical fixes, have additionally been launched.

Spring Framework

The first milestone launch of Spring Boot 3.2.0 delivers bug fixes, enhancements in documentation, dependency upgrades and new options reminiscent of: assist for the JDK HttpClient class and Jetty within the ClientHttpRequestFactories class; enable key password to be set for an occasion of the PemSslStoreBundle class; and deprecation of the DelegatingApplicationContextInitializer and DelegatingApplicationListener lessons in favor of registering every delegate programmatically or within the spring.factories property. Additional particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.

Variations 3.1.2, 3.0.9 and 2.7.14 of Spring Boot have additionally been launched with dependency upgrades, enhancements in documentation and notable bug fixes reminiscent of: the ImportsContextCustomizer check class doesn’t assist the @AliasFor annotation; the equals() technique outlined within the ConfigurationPropertyName class just isn’t symmetric when the aspect accommodates trailing dashes; and an auto-configuration failure with a NoSuchMethodError exception as a result of elimination of Oracle-related strategies from the Flyway FluentConfiguration class. Extra particulars on these releases could also be discovered within the launch notes for model 3.1.2, model 3.0.9 and model 2.7.14.

The third milestone launch of Spring Framework 6.1 delivers new options reminiscent of: new configuration choices for digital threads on JDK 21 with a devoted VirtualThreadTaskExecutor class and a brand new setVirtualThreads() technique added to the SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor class; Spring MVC now throws NoHandlerFoundException or NoResourceFoundException exceptions to permit for constant dealing with of HTTP 404 errors that features the RFC 7807, Downside Particulars for HTTP APIs, error response; and assist for the BeanPropertyRowMapper and DataClassRowMapper lessons within the R2DBC challenge. Additional particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the what’s new web page.

The launch of Spring for GraphQL 1.2.2 launched delivers bug fixes, enhancements in documentation, dependency upgrades and these new options assist for: Kotlin coroutines within the @GraphQlExceptionHandler annotation; and the ValueExtractor interface for the ArgumentValue class for improved bean validation. Extra particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.

The first milestone launch of Spring Session 3.2.0 supplies dependency upgrades and these new options: a brand new SessionIdGenerationStrategy interface that specifies a method for producing session identifiers; and eliminating a number of calls to the commitSession() technique within the personal SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper class outlined within the SessionRepositoryFilter class upon calling the embody() technique outlined within the RequestDispatcher interface. Additional particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.

The first milestone launch of Spring Integration 6.2 ships with notable adjustments reminiscent of: elimination of the unused JDK ThreadLocal class from the RedisStoreMSource class; an optimization of the maybeIndex() technique within the JsonPropertyAccessor class; and the addition of the @LogLevels annotation for the SftpRemoteFileTemplateTests class for tracing diagnostics. Extra particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.

Variations 2.2.0-M2, 2.1.2 and a pair of.0.6 of Spring HATEOAS have been launched that characteristic a repair for a regression within the AOT reflection metadata era in order that functions constructing native photographs proceed to work on the upcoming releases of Spring Boot. Additional particulars on these releases could also be discovered within the launch notes for model 2.2-M2, model 2.1.2 and model 2.0.6.


Purple Hat has launched model 29 of WildFly that includes bug fixes, inside housekeeping from the migration to Jakarta EE 10 and new options reminiscent of: the flexibility to safe the administration console with WildFly’s native assist for OpenID Join; a brand new Keycloak SAML Adapter characteristic pack that makes use of Galleon Provisioning so as to add Keycloak’s SAML adapter to an set up of WildFly; and assist for MyFaces 4.0, a appropriate implementation of Jakarta Faces specification, utilizing the brand new WildFly MyFaces 1.0.0.Beta1 characteristic pack.


Purple Hat has additionally launched model 3.2.1.Last of Quarkus that includes the addition of the OpenAPI schema and UI to be revealed when the administration interface is enabled together with the flexibility to configure utilizing the quarkus.smallrye-openapi.administration.enabled property. Different notable adjustments embody: assist for serialization of sophistication fields with Jackson in native mode; avoiding a race situation on including a content-length header if it already exists ensuing within the response by no means being despatched; and the elimination of a default token customizer from an OIDC Microsoft supplier that breaks signature verification. Extra particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.


The first milestone launch of Helidon 4.0.0 delivers notable adjustments: elimination of the Helidon Reactive WebServer and WebClient that had been primarily based on Netty as Helidon absolutely commits to Mission Níma with new implementations primarily based on digital threads which have a blocking model API; conversion of different modules with reactive APIs to blocking model APIs; the introduction of Helidon Injection, a deterministic, source-code-first, compile time injection framework; assist for MicroProfile 6 and Jakarta 10 Core Profile working on the Níma WebServer; and preliminary adoption of Helidon Builders, a builder code era framework. It is very important word that it is a preview launch and the brand new options are a work-in-progress. Additional particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.


The Micronaut Basis has offered model 4.0.1 of Micronaut Framework, the first upkeep launch because the launch of Micronaut 4.0, that includes: dependency upgrades; enhancements in documentation; a repair for a constructor copy; and the addition of a propagated context to the reactive controller strategies within the ReactorPropagation class. Extra particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.


Variations 6.3.0-CR1 and 6.2.7 of Hibernate ORM have been launched that ships with: new documentation that provides an introductory Hibernate 6 information and the Hibernate Question Language syntax and have information; the flexibility to generate DAO-style strategies for named queries as a part of the JPA static metamodel generator; and a brand new @Discover annotation for which arbitrary strategies might now be processed by the generator to create finder strategies just like question strategies.


On the street to MicroProfile 6.1, the MicroProfile Working Group has offered the first launch candidate of MicroProfile Config 3.1 that includes notable adjustments reminiscent of: the MissingValueOnObserverMethodInjectionTest class fails as a result of ConfigObserver bean, outlined as @ApplicationScoped and remaining, which is past the scope of the DeploymentException the check was designed to throw; failing TCK assessments resulting from empty beans being declared as all when they need to be declared as annotated; and an improve of all assessments to be appropriate with Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.0. Additional particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the listing of points.


Variations 14.0.13 and 14.0.12 of Infinispan have been launched with notable adjustments reminiscent of: a repair for the SearchException whereas rebuilding an index; filter out unlawful characters present in reminiscence pool names; and a repair for the RemoteStore class leaking Netty occasion loop shopper threads. Extra particulars on these releases could also be discovered within the launch notes for model 14.0.13 and 14.0.12.


Variations 12.0.5, 11.0.11, 10.0.18 and eight.0.23 of PrimeFaces have been launched with notable fixes reminiscent of: the FullAjaxExceptionHandler class doesn’t show an error web page when an exception is thrown throughout an AJAX request; a NullPointerException from the encodeScript() technique outlined within the InputTextRenderer class resulting from an empty counter bypassing the conditional that checks for null; and fixes for the person interface. Additional particulars on these releases could also be discovered within the changelogs for model 12.0.5, model 11.0.11, model 10.0.18 and model 8.0.23.


The launch of OpenXava 7.1.3 options dependency upgrades and notable fixes reminiscent of: one safety vulnerability within the dependencies; the challenge doesn’t begin if the workspace is in a path with particular characters or accents; and use of the @OnChange annotation on the primary property of a group view in an @OneToMany annotation with no cascade shows an error. Extra particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.


The first launch candidate of Gradle 8.3 delivers enhancements reminiscent of: assist for JDK 20; sooner Java compilation utilizing employee processes to run the Java compiler as a compiler daemon; the flexibility to experiment with the Kotlin K2 compiler; and improved output from the CodeNarc plugin. Additional particulars on this launch could also be discovered within the launch notes.



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