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Python Delete File (Final Information) – Be on the Proper Facet of Change

Python affords a number of highly effective choices to deal with file operations, together with deleting information. Whether or not it is advisable to examine if a file exists earlier than deleting, use patterns to delete a number of information, or routinely delete information beneath sure situations, Python has a instrument for you.

Let’s delve into numerous methods you’ll be able to delete information utilizing Python, starting from easy to extra complicated eventualities.

Python Delete File if Exists

In Python, it’s good apply to examine if a file exists earlier than making an attempt to delete it to keep away from errors. You possibly can obtain this utilizing the os module.

import os

if os.path.exists(file_path):
    os.take away(file_path)
    print(f"File {file_path} has been deleted.")
    print(f"File {file_path} doesn't exist.")

On this code, we first import the os module. We then specify the file path and examine if the file exists. If it does, we use os.take away() to delete it and make sure the deletion. If not, we output a message stating the file doesn’t exist.

Python Delete File Pathlib

Pathlib is a contemporary file dealing with library in Python. It gives an object-oriented strategy to handle file methods and works very intuitively.

from pathlib import Path

file_path = Path('instance.txt')
if file_path.exists():
    print(f"File {file_path} has been deleted.")
    print(f"File {file_path} doesn't exist.")

Right here, we use Path from the pathlib module to create a Path object. We examine if the file exists with .exists(), after which use .unlink() to delete it, offering a sublime, readable strategy to file deletion.

Python Delete File Contents

In case your purpose is to clear the contents of a file with out deleting the file itself, you’ll be able to merely open the file in write mode.

with open(file_path, 'w'):
    print(f"Contents of {file_path} have been cleared.")

Opening the file in ‘write’ mode ('w') with out writing something successfully erases the file’s contents, supplying you with a clean file.

Python Delete File OS

Utilizing the os module is without doubt one of the most typical methods to delete a file in Python. It’s easy and express.

import os

    os.take away(file_path)
    print(f"File {file_path} efficiently deleted.")
besides FileNotFoundError:
    print(f"The file {file_path} doesn't exist.")

This strategy makes an attempt to delete the file and handles the potential FileNotFoundError to keep away from crashes if the file doesn’t exist.

Python Delete File with Wildcard

To delete a number of information that match a sample, we are able to mix glob from the glob module with os.take away.

import os
import glob

for file_path in glob.glob('*.txt'):
    os.take away(file_path)
    print(f"Deleted {file_path}")

print("All .txt information deleted.")

This code snippet finds all .txt information within the present listing and deletes every, offering an environment friendly strategy to deal with a number of information.

Python Delete File After Studying

If it is advisable to delete a file proper after processing its contents, this may be managed easily utilizing Python.

with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
    knowledge = file.learn()
    print(f"Learn knowledge: {knowledge}")

os.take away(file_path)
print(f"File {file_path} deleted after studying.")

We learn the file, course of the contents, and instantly delete the file afterwards. That is significantly helpful for non permanent information.

Python Delete File From Listing if Exists

Generally, we have to goal a file inside a particular listing. Checking if the file exists throughout the listing earlier than deletion can stop errors.

import os

listing = 'my_directory'
file_path = part of(listing, file_name)

if os.path.exists(file_path):
    os.take away(file_path)
    print(f"File {file_path} from listing {listing} has been deleted.")
    print(f"File {file_path} doesn't exist in {listing}.")

This code constructs the file path, checks its existence, and deletes it if current, all whereas dealing with directories.

Python Delete File Extension

Deleting information by extension in a listing is easy with Python. Right here’s the way you would possibly delete all .log information in a listing:

import os

listing = '/path_to_directory'
for file_name in os.listdir(listing):
    if file_name.endswith('.log'):
        os.take away( part of(listing, file_name))
        print(f"Deleted {file_name}")

This loops via all information within the given listing, checks in the event that they finish with .log, and deletes them.

Python Delete File on Exit

To make sure information are deleted when a Python script is completed executing, use atexit.

import atexit
import os

open(file_path, 'a').shut()  # Create the file

def cleanup():
    os.take away(file_path)
    print(f"File {file_path} has been deleted on exit.")


This code units up a cleanup perform that deletes a specified file and registers this perform to be known as when the script exits.

Python Delete File After Time

For deleting information after a sure interval, use time and os.

import os
import time

time_to_wait = 10  # seconds

os.take away(file_path)
print(f"File {file_path} deleted after {time_to_wait} seconds.")

After ready for a specified time, the file is deleted, which will be helpful for timed file cleanup duties.


  • Delete if Exists: Use os.path.exists() and os.take away().
  • Pathlib: Make use of Path.exists() and Path.unlink().
  • Delete Contents: Open in ‘write’ mode.
  • OS Module: Immediately use os.take away().
  • Wildcard Deletion: Make the most of glob.glob() and os.take away().
  • After Studying: Delete following file learn operations.
  • From Listing if Exists: Assemble path with part of().
  • Delete File Extension: Loop via listing and delete based mostly on extension.
  • On Exit: Use atexit.register().
  • After Time: Mix time.sleep() with os.take away().

Every methodology gives a sturdy strategy to deal with totally different file deletion eventualities effectively and securely in Python. Select the one which most accurately fits your wants to keep up glossy and efficient code.



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