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HTTP request and response duplication for a number of use – Code Overview


I’m auditing http request and response by dumping each right into a flat file which works in the mean time. Nevertheless, I’ve a sense this may be improved as a result of so far as I see, useful resource utilization is excessive (RAM and so on.).

Do you suppose there’s higher method or can we enhance this code? Notably excited about AUDIT REQUEST and AUDIT RESPONSE blocks.


Bench outcomes under displays 100 concurrent customers sending requests for 10 seconds.

Alloc = 12 MiB	TotalAlloc = 534 MiB	Sys = 27 MiB	NumGC = 190
Alloc =  2 MiB	TotalAlloc = 309 MiB	Sys = 15 MiB	NumGC = 148
Alloc =  4 MiB	TotalAlloc = 348 MiB	Sys = 11 MiB	NumGC = 172
Alloc = 10 MiB	TotalAlloc = 223 MiB	Sys = 23 MiB	NumGC = 39
Alloc =  3 MiB	TotalAlloc = 167 MiB	Sys = 11 MiB	NumGC = 76
bundle xhttp

import (


sort Consumer struct {
	Consumer http.RoundTripper

func (c Consumer) Request(ctx context.Context, met, url string, bdy io.Reader, hdrs map[string]string) (*http.Response, error) {
	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, met, url, bdy)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for ok, v := vary hdrs {
		req.Header.Add(ok, v)

	id := uuid.NewString()

	// AUDIT REQUEST -----------------------------------------------------------
	reqCopy := req.Clone(req.Context())
	if req.Physique != nil || req.Physique != http.NoBody {
		var buff bytes.Buffer
		if _, err := io.Copy(&buff, req.Physique); err == nil {
			req.Physique = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(buff.Bytes()))
			reqCopy.Physique = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(buff.Bytes()))
	go LogRequest(reqCopy, id)
	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	res, err := c.Consumer.RoundTrip(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// AUDIT RESPONSE ----------------------------------------------------------
	resCopy := *res
	if res.Physique != nil || res.Physique != http.NoBody {
		var buff bytes.Buffer
		if _, err := io.Copy(&buff, res.Physique); err == nil {
			res.Physique = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(buff.Bytes()))
			resCopy.Physique = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(buff.Bytes()))
	go LogResponse(&resCopy, req, id)
	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	return res, nil

func LogRequest(req *http.Request, id string) {
	dump, err := httputil.DumpRequest(req, true)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("dump request", err)

	path := id + "_request.log"

	if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("mkdir all:", err)

	file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(0600))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("open file:", err)
	defer file.Shut()

	if _, err := file.Write(dump); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("file write:", err)

func LogResponse(res *http.Response, req *http.Request, id string) {
	dump, err := httputil.DumpResponse(res, true)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("dump response", err)
	defer res.Physique.Shut()

	technique := http.MethodGet
	if req.Methodology != "" {
		technique = req.Methodology

	uri := req.RequestURI
	if uri == "" {
		uri = req.URL.RequestURI()

	dump = append(
		[]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s HTTP/%d.%dnHost: %sn", technique, uri, req.ProtoMajor, req.ProtoMinor, req.URL.Host)),

	path := id + "_response.log"

	if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("mkdir all:", err)

	file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(0600))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("open file:", err)
	defer file.Shut()

	if _, err := file.Write(dump); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("file write:", err)



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