Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeGolangPlease assist my make Mock Operate to AddVector - Getting Assist

Please assist my make Mock Operate to AddVector – Getting Assist

sort VectorService interface {
    AddVector() [2]int

sort InitService struct{
         x    int
	     y    int

sort MyService struct {
    VService VectorService

func (sms InitService) AddVector() [2]int {
    var b [2]int
	b[0] = sms.x + 100
	b[1] = sms.y + 200
    return b

func (a MyService) ChargeVector(x int, y int) [2]int {
    r := a.VService.AddVector()
	var b [2]int
	b[0] = r[0] + 10 
	b[1] = r[1] + 22
    return b

func foremost() {
    myService := MyService{InitService{1,2}}
    a := myService.ChargeVector(100, 200)
	fmt.Printf("Charging Buyer For the worth of %d  %dn", a[0], a[1])

Check PASS, however now I need use InitServiceMock with X and Y filed How I can do it?

   sort InitServiceMock struct {

   func (sms *InitServiceMock) AddToVector() [2]int {
    fmt.Println("Mocked cost notification perform")
	fmt.Printf("Charging Buyer For the worth of -- %d --  %d -- n", 100, 200)

	var b [2]int
 	b[0] = 100
	b[1] = 200

	return  b

    func TestChargeCustomer(t *testing.T) {

   	var b [2]int
   	b[0] = 101
  	b[1] = 202
	smsService := new(InitServiceMock)
 	myService := check.MyService{check.InitService{1,2}}
    a := myService.ChargeVector(100,200)

    assert.Equal(t, a[0], 111, "One")
	assert.Equal(t, a[1], 224, "Two")
	fmt.Printf("Charging Buyer For the worth of %d  %dn", a[0], a[1])

I solved this drawback. Thank you numerous!



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