Thursday, June 27, 2024


Check Python Version [Win/Linux/MacOS] Infographic

To examine your Python model, run python ‐‐model in your command line (Home windows), shell (Mac), or terminal (Linux/Ubuntu). To examine your Python model in your script, run import sys to get the module and use sys.model to seek out detailed model data in your code.

Let’s get a fast overview of the alternative ways to examine your Python model in all working programs and environments. This can be all it’s good to know:

Instructions The place? What? Instance Output
python ‐‐model or
python -V or
python -VV
Terminal Mac/Linux/Win Python 3.7.2
import sys
Python Script Info string '3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018,
23:09:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]'
sys.version_info Python script Model information tuple sys.version_info(main=3, minor=7, micro=2, releaselevel="closing", serial=0)
import platform
Python script Brief string information '3.7.2'
platform.python_version_tuple() Python script Brief tuple information ('3', '7', '2')

Within the following screenshot, you’ll be able to see how I checked the Python model in my Home windows PowerShell:

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When Guido van Rossum launched the primary viable Python model 0.9.0 in 1991, he couldn’t have anticipated (by a protracted shot) that he was on the verge of making probably the most influential programming language on the earth. Python has a vibrant future: each new Python model provides new options to the programming language.

Within the following video and weblog tutorial, I’ll present you the way to examine your Python model—irrespective of your working system (Home windows, macOS, Linux, Ubuntu) and programming framework (Jupyter).

You may play the video when you scroll all the way down to learn the step-by-step directions on the way to examine your Python model.

In case you’re like me ten years in the past, it’s good to Google essential Python instructions many times. Happily, I discovered a easy and efficient (and free) approach to enhance my Python expertise.

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This basic technique works throughout all main working programs (Home windows, Linux, and macOS).

OS & Atmosphere Methodology
Win10, Win7 Open command line and run python -V or python ‐‐model
MacOS, Linux, Ubuntu Open terminal and run python -V or python ‐‐model
Python Shell, Juypter Pocket book Interactive mode:
>>> import sys
>>> sys.model
Python Editor, Juypter Pocket book Regular mode:
import sys

The desk exhibits you ways completely different environments name for various instructions to examine your Python model.

You will have the next query:

Find out how to open your command line or terminal?

  • Home windows:  Hit shortcut Win+R, kind powershell, hit OK.
  • MacOS:  Hit shortcut Cmd+Area, kind terminal, hit OK.
  • Linux:  Hit shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T.

The Python model output consists of three numbers main:minor:micro. For instance, model 3.7.2 signifies that

  • the main model is 3,
  • the minor model is 7, and
  • the micro model is 2.

[ATTENTION] Totally different main variations are NOT totally appropriate. Totally different minor variations are appropriate.

For instance, you’ll be able to execute code written in Python 3.6.4 in Python 3.7.2 as a result of they’re the identical main model — Python 3. However you can not execute code written in Python 2.7.4 in Python 3.7.2 as a result of they’re completely different main variations.

💡 Be aware: new minor variations can add adjustments to the language. For instance, in Python 3.8 they launched the reversed() perform with dictionaries. You can’t use the reversed() perform in older variations of Python. However the overwhelming majority of the language is similar.

Let’s dive into the precise steps to examine your Python model in any surroundings.

I attempted to determine any surroundings you could be fascinated about. However when you don’t discover yours, please let me know and I’ll add your particular surroundings, too.

Examine Which Python Model in Script (Precise Steps)

Generally, you wish to examine Python’s model in your Python program.

To realize this, merely import the sys module and print the sys.model attribute to your Python shell:

>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.model)
3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018, 23:09:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]

Examine Python Model Jupyter (Precise Steps)

Three steps to examine the Python model in a Jupyter pocket book.

  1. Open the Jupyter pocket book: kind jupyter pocket book in your terminal/console.
  2. Write the next Python code snippet in a code cell:
from platform import python_version

3. Execute the script.

As a substitute, you may also use the next Python code snippet to examine your Python model in a Jupyter pocket book:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.model

Here’s a screenshot on my laptop:

Examine Python Model Home windows 10 (Precise Steps)

Three steps to examine the Python model in your Win 10 working system:

  1. Open the Powershell utility: Press the Home windows key to open the beginning display. Within the search field, kind “powershell”. Press enter.
  2. Execute command: kind python ‐‐model and press enter.
  3. The Python model seems within the subsequent line beneath your command.

Examine Python Model Home windows 7 (Precise Steps)

Three steps to examine the Python model in your Win 7 working system.

  1. Open the command immediate utility: Press the Home windows key to open the beginning display. Within the search field kind “command”. Click on on the command immediate utility.
  2. Execute command: kind python ‐‐model and press Enter.
  3. The Python model seems within the subsequent line proper beneath your command.

Examine Python Model Mac (Precise Steps)

4 steps to examine the Python model in your Mac working system.

  1. Press CMD + Area to open Highlight.
  2. Sort “terminal” and press enter.
  3. Execute command: kind python ‐‐model or python -V and press Enter.
  4. The Python model seems within the subsequent line beneath your command.

Examine Python Model Linux (Precise Steps)

Three steps to examine the Python model in your Linux working system.

  1. Open the terminal utility (for instance, bash).
  2. Execute command: kind in python ‐‐model or python -V and press Enter.
  3. The Python model seems within the subsequent line beneath your command.

Examine Python Model Ubuntu (Precise Steps)

4 steps to examine the Python model in your Ubuntu working system.

  1. Open Sprint: click on the higher left image.
  2. Open terminal: kind “terminal“, click on on the terminal app.
  3. Execute command: kind python ‐‐model or python -V and press Enter.
  4. The Python model seems within the subsequent line proper beneath your command.

Do it’s good to google essential Python key phrases many times?

Merely obtain this common Python cheat sheet, print the high-resolution PDF, and pin it to your workplace wall:

Examine Your Python Model in Anaconda (Precise Steps)

You may select from completely different alternate options.

  • To examine your Anaconda model, run conda -V or conda – model in your anaconda immediate. You may open the anaconda immediate by looking for “anaconda immediate” in your OS’s search subject.
  • An alternative choice to get your Anaconda model is to run conda checklist anaconda.
  • The shorter command conda checklist lists the title, model, and construct particulars of your put in packages.
  • To study your surroundings particulars, run conda information with the non-obligatory flag ‐‐envs to see all of your environments.
  • To examine your Python model, run python -V or python ‐‐model in your terminal.

Associated Materials: Please discover extra detailed details about organising your surroundings right here. You may obtain an informative Anaconda cheat sheet right here.

Examine Your Python Model in Spyder (Precise Steps)

In your Spyder code editor, it’s even easier to examine your Python model.

Simply run any script and the model data will seem within the first line earlier than the output of your script.

[History] What are the Totally different Python Variations?

Python has three principal variations: model 1, model 2, and model 3. Model 4 is at the moment (2020) below growth.

Right here is the model historical past from Wikipedia and the official docs.

Python 3.0 – December 3, 2008

Python 2.0 – October 16, 2000

Python 1.0 – January 1994

Python 0.9.0 – February 20, 1991

  • Python 0.9.1 ― launched on February 1991
  • Python 0.9.2 ― launched in Autumn, 1991
  • Python 0.9.4 ― launched on December 24, 1991
  • Python 0.9.5 ― launched on January 2, 1992
  • Python 0.9.6 ― launched on April 6, 1992
  • Python 0.9.8 ― launched on January 9, 1993
  • Python 0.9.9 ― launched on July 29, 1993

As there are some important variations in syntax, you must all the time set up the most recent model in Python. Preserve your self up to date on the official Python web site right here.

👉 Advisable Tutorial: Find out how to Replace Python?

Find out how to Improve to a Newer Model?

If you’re not utilizing a digital surroundings, go to to obtain and set up no matter model you want. It’s the simplest approach to improve Python.

However now you’ll run into the next drawback: how do I run a selected Python model? Try this StackOverflow reply to study the precise steps.

Or you may make your life simpler through the use of digital environments.

These let you will have a number of variations of Python put in in your system. Plus, you’ll be able to change between them instantaneously.

One choice is to make use of the built-in module venv. In case you’re a Knowledge Scientist, the business commonplace is Anaconda.

Putting in and upgrading completely different Python variations is straightforward whenever you use digital environments. For a full tutorial of digital environments, learn over our introductory Finxter weblog article.

Find out how to Examine if Python 3 is Put in?

In case you’ve put in a number of installations of Python, working python ‐‐model could provide you with solely the model of Python 2.

To examine which model of Python 3 is put in in your laptop, merely run the command python3 ‐‐model as a substitute of python – model.

Find out how to Examine Python Model – Detailed

Not solely does Python have main, minor and micro variations. Every of these variations has additional variations, particularly the discharge degree and serial.

These are displayed whenever you run

>>> import sys
>>> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(main=3, minor=8, micro=0, releaselevel="closing", serial=0)

Within the above code, I’m working Python 3.8.0.

More often than not, you’ll solely care concerning the main, minor and micro releases. Launch degree and serial are normally for the core Python developer group to work on adjustments to the language.

The attainable launch ranges are ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, ‘candidate’, or ‘closing’.

  • Alpha comprises the primary updates made to the language.
  • Beta means the language will be examined with some customers however nonetheless received’t work completely. That is the place the phrase ‘beta testers’ comes from.
  • Candidate has only some small bugs left to repair.
  • Remaining is the final model and the one launched to most of the people.

If you wish to check out new options earlier than anybody else, you’ll be able to obtain these launch ranges.

Nevertheless, when you simply desire a model of Python that works, you must select ‘closing’. While you obtain any model of Python, will probably be a ‘closing’ launch except acknowledged in any other case.

Serial is for the smallest adjustments. The Python-Dev group increments it as they make adjustments to the alpha, beta and candidate variations.

All closing variations have serial=0. They add future adjustments to the subsequent main/minor/micro releases.

Find out how to Make Certain My Script Runs a Particular Python Model?

Let’s say you’ve simply put in Python 3.8.

Your script,, makes use of a model new characteristic: reversed() when iterating over a dictionary.

For different individuals to run this script, they have to additionally run Python 3.8. So you must put a examine firstly to let different customers know this.

We do that by including an assert assertion on the prime of

import sys
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 8)

my_dict = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
for key in reversed(my_dict):

The assert assertion raises an AssertionError if the assertion is False. If the assertion is True, the script continues to run.

For instance, if I’m working Python 3.7 and execute from the terminal, this occurs:

# Working Python 3.7
$ python
Traceback (most up-to-date name final):
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    assert sys.version_info >= (3,8)

But when I’m working Python 3.8, the assert assertion doesn’t increase an error, and it executes the remainder of the script.

# Working Python 3.8
$ python

Be aware: I’ve used the Anaconda digital surroundings to put in and rapidly change between a number of Python variations.


Examine the Python model by typing python ‐‐model in your working system shell or command line.

To get extra detailed details about the surroundings your Python program runs in, attempt import sys; sys.model in your Python shell (interactive or regular mode).

Programmer Humor

Q: What's the object-oriented approach to develop into rich?

A: Inheritance.

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