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HomeGolangGo Generics cheatsheet

Go Generics cheatsheet

Getting began

Generics launch

Generics in Go can be found for the reason that model 1.18, launched on March 15, 2022.

Generic operate

With Generics, you’ll be able to create features with sorts as parameters. As an alternative of writing separate features for every kind like:

func LastInt(s []int) int {
    return s[len(s)-1]

func LastString(s []string) string {
    return s[len(s)-1]

// and so forth.

you’ll be able to write a operate with a kind parameter:

func Final[T any](s []T) T {
    return s[len(s)-1]

Sort parameters are declared in sq. brackets. They describe sorts which might be allowed for a given operate:

Diagram on how the generic function looks like

Generic operate name

You possibly can name a generic operate like another operate:

func foremost() {
    information := []int{1, 2, 3}

    data2 := []string{"a", "b", "c"}

You do not need to explicitly declare the kind parameter as within the instance under, as a result of it’s inferred based mostly on the handed arguments. This characteristic known as kind inference and applies solely to features.

func foremost() {
    information := []int{1, 2, 3}

    data2 := []string{"a", "b", "c"}

Nonetheless, explicitly declaring concrete kind parameters is allowed, and generally obligatory, when the compiler is unable to unambiguously detect the kind of arguments handed.



A constraint is an interface that describes a kind parameter. Solely sorts that fulfill the required interface can be utilized as a parameter of a generic operate. The constraint at all times seems in sq. brackets after the the kind parameter identify.

Within the following instance:

func Final[T any](s []T) T {
    return s[len(s)-1]

the constraint is any. Since Go 1.18, any is an alias for interface{}:

The any is the broadest constraint, which assumes that the enter variable to the generic operate could be of any kind.

Constructed-in constraints

Along with the any constraint in Go, there may be additionally a built-in comparable constraint that describes any kind whose values could be in contrast, i.e., we will use the == and != operators on them.

func accommodates[T comparable](elems []T, v T) bool {
    for _, s := vary elems {
        if v == s {
            return true
    return false

The constraints package deal

Extra constraints are outlined within the x/exp/constraints package deal. It accommodates constraints that allow, for instance, ordered sorts (sorts that assist the operators <, <=, >=, >), floating-point sorts, integer sorts, and a few others:

func Final[T constraints.Complex](s []T) {}
func Final[T constraints.Float](s []T) {}
func Final[T constraints.Integer](s []T) {}
func Final[T constraints.Ordered](s []T) {}
func Final[T constraints.Signed](s []T) {}
func Final[T constraints.Unsigned](s []T) {}

Verify the documentation of the x/exp/constraints package deal for extra data.

Customized constraints

Constraints are interfaces, so you should use a custom-defined interface as a constraint on a operate kind parameter:

kind Doer interface {

func Final[T Doer](s []T) T {
    return s[len(s)-1]

Nonetheless, utilizing such an interface as a constraint is not any totally different from utilizing the interface straight.

As of Go 1.18, the interface definition has a brand new syntax. Now it’s potential to outline an interface with a kind:

kind Integer interface {

Constraints containing just one kind have little sensible use. However, when mixed with the union operator |, we will outline kind units with out which complicated constraints can’t exist.

Sort units

Utilizing the union | operator, we will outline an interface with a couple of kind:

kind Quantity interface  float64

This kind of interface is a kind set that may comprise sorts or different sorts units:

kind Quantity interface  constraints.Float

Sort units assist outline acceptable constraints. For instance, all constraints within the x/exp/constraints package deal are kind units declared utilizing the union operator:

kind Integer interface  Unsigned

Inline kind units

Sort set interface can be outlined inline within the operate declaration:

func Final[T interface int16 ](s []T) T {
    return s[len(s)-1]

Utilizing the simplification that Go permits for, we will omit the interface{} key phrase when declaring an inline kind set:

func Final[T int | int8 | int16 | int32](s []T) T {
    return s[len(s)-1]

Sort approximation

In lots of the constraint definitions, for instance within the x/exp/constraints package deal, yow will discover the particular operator ~ earlier than a kind. It signifies that the constraint permits this kind, in addition to a kind whose underlying kind is similar because the one outlined within the constraint. Check out the instance:

package deal foremost

import (

kind MyInt int

kind Int interface  int8 

func Final[T Int](s []T) T {
    return s[len(s)-1]

func foremost() {
    information := []MyInt{1, 2, 3}

With out the ~ earlier than the int kind within the Int constraint, you can not use a slice of MyInt kind within the Final() operate as a result of the MyInt kind will not be within the checklist of the Int constraint. By defining ~int within the constraint, we permit variables of any kind whose underlying kind is int.

Generic sorts

Defining a generic kind

In Go, it’s also possible to create a generic kind outlined equally to a generic operate:

kind KV[K comparable, V any] struct {
    Key   Okay
    Worth V

func (v *KV[K, V]) Set(key Okay, worth V) {
    v.Key = key
    v.Worth = worth

func (v *KV[K, V]) Get(key Okay) *V {
    if v.Key == key {
        return &v.Worth
    return nil

Observe that the tactic receiver is a generic KV[K, V] kind.

When defining a generic kind, you can not introduce further kind parameters in its strategies – the struct kind parameters are solely allowed.

Instance of utilization

When initializing a brand new generic struct, you could explicitly present concrete sorts:

func foremost() {
    var document KV[string, float64]
    document.Set("abc", 54.3)
    v := document.Get("abc")
    if v != nil {

You possibly can keep away from it by making a constructor operate since sorts in features could be inferred because of the kind inference characteristic:

func NewKV[K comparable, V any](key Okay, worth V) *KV[K, V] {
    return &KV[K, V]{
        Key:   key,
        Worth: worth,

func foremost() {
    document := NewKV("abc", 54.3)
    v := document.Get("abc")
    if v != nil {
    NewKV("abc", 54.3)


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