subplot(3,3,1), textual content(0.5,0.5,“1”,“FontSize”,24,“Shade”,“purple”)
subplot(3,3,2), textual content(0.5,0.5,“2”,“FontSize”,24,“Shade”,“purple”)
subplot(3,3,3), textual content(0.5,0.5,“3”,“FontSize”,24,“Shade”,“purple”)
subplot(3,3,[4 7]), textual content([.5 .5],[.25 .75],[“7” “4”],“FontSize”,24,“Shade”,“purple”)
subplot(3,3,[5 9]), textual content([.25 .25 .75 .75],[.25 .75 .25 .75],[“8” “5” “9” “6”],“FontSize”,24,“Shade”,“purple”)
As you possibly can see, the third enter argument to subplot generally is a vector that specifies the corners of the oblong area. It isn’t too difficult, however it does require some thought to determine the suitable parameters.
subplotHelper helps you get these parameters by permitting you to interactively choose the structure. This is the software in motion.
Very good!
Try tiledlayout (launched in R2019b)
In fact, tiledlayout can have non-uniform distribution, similar to with subplot.