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HomeJavaBYOTE, Half 1: Construct your personal customized check engine for JUnit 5

BYOTE, Half 1: Construct your personal customized check engine for JUnit 5

The usual JUnit exams are high-quality, however typically you need to attempt one thing particular. Right here’s how.

Repeat after us: JUnit 5 is just not a check runner. JUnit 5 is a platform. The JUnit 5 platform was designed from the bottom as much as remedy one drawback: to separate the event of check runners from their integration with IDEs and construct instruments. To this finish, JUnit 5 introduces the idea of a check engine. This two-part sequence will reply the next questions:

◉ What’s a JUnit check engine, and why would you need to construct one?

◉ How do you construct a quite simple one?

◉ What do you must do to combine your engine with IDEs and construct instruments? (spoiler: nearly nothing)

Partly 1 of this “construct your personal check engine” (BYOTE) sequence, you will note how a minimal check engine could be applied, and partially 2, you will note how it may be examined. To study from the authors of a number of well-known check engines, half 2 of this sequence will include interviews about their experiences in constructing real-world engines.

Why would anybody construct a customized check engine?

Have you ever ever needed to construct your personal check engine? On the JUnit platform, that is simpler than you may assume. To indicate off the pliability of the JUnit platform, you’ll develop a totally declarative check engine.

Creating performance is all enjoyable and video games, however how do you really check a check engine? It seems that the JUnit platform brings instruments for precisely that.

However what good is your customized engine whether it is exhausting to execute and get stories for the outcomes? Nobody will need to use it—in all probability not even you. Thankfully, the JUnit platform was designed from the bottom as much as remedy this precise drawback: Your check engine might be executable in all main IDEs and construct instruments with out nearly any effort in your half!

So, aside from curiosity, why would you even need to create a customized engine? Listed below are three attainable causes.

◉ You need a completely different testing mannequin than what you’ll find elsewhere, reminiscent of one which focuses on efficiency, mutation, or property-based testing.

◉ You need improved help for the idioms of a special JVM language reminiscent of Groovy, Kotlin, or Clojure.

◉ You need a Java-based software however with a customized syntax to help the precise necessities of a sure drawback area.

You, after all, might need different causes, so let’s see find out how to construct a customized engine. Earlier than that, nonetheless, a little bit of architectural background about JUnit 5 is crucial.

JUnit 5 101

Opposite to public opinion, JUnit 5 is a platform somewhat than a easy check runner. To grasp the necessity for such a platform, it’s useful to try some JUnit historical past.

Early variations of JUnit weren’t designed with software integration in thoughts. As a result of wild success of these early variations, nonetheless, IDEs and construct instruments started integrating JUnit into their environments fairly quickly. Nonetheless, as a result of JUnit was not designed to be executed from third-party processes, integrators typically needed to depend on harmful mechanisms, reminiscent of reflection, to make issues work.

Such integrations have been naturally brittle and have been very exhausting to vary and preserve as a result of the surface world relied upon, and was coupled to, JUnit’s internals—even personal members. An notorious instance for this coupling is the breaking of the mixing in a broadly used IDE when a JUnit 4.x model modified the identify of a personal area. This example was solely exacerbated by different check libraries and frameworks mimicking JUnit’s construction to leverage JUnit’s IDE integration.

Subsequently, whereas planning and designing the brand new technology of JUnit, the JUnit workforce took particular care to keep away from such coupling. As a matter of reality, the workforce invited representatives from all main IDEs and construct instruments to a kick-off assembly in October 2015 to debate a stable basis for an integration structure. The principle aim was to supply completely different APIs for various teams of customers, specifically

◉ An engine service supplier interface (SPI) (junit-platform-engine) for integrators of current check engines and authors of recent check engines

◉ A launcher API (junit-platform-launcher) for IDEs and construct instruments to supply steady and clear technique of integrating all check engines

◉ An annotation-based API (junit-jupiter-api) for check authors, which might be comparable in feel and look to the JUnit 4.x technology however with a extra versatile extension mannequin

The primary two are the core parts of the JUnit 5 platform, and Determine 1 exhibits the important elements of the JUnit 5 platform and several other engines constructed upon it.

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Determine 1. The JUnit 5 platform structure

This clear separation of considerations is prime to the brand new structure and has up to now served effectively to keep away from the problematic coupling. As a consequence, the JUnit platform has been built-in into all main IDEs and construct instruments utilizing the launcher API.

Equally, the platform engine SPI has been used to combine varied check engines with the JUnit 5 platform. This permits check engine authors to focus on the check definition and execution considerations and utterly disregard the facet of launching their check instances from IDEs and construct instruments. A particular case is, after all, JUnit’s personal Jupiter check engine, which makes use of the brand new JUnit 5 check mannequin. Nonetheless, even this built-in engine makes use of solely the general public API and has no secret entry to different elements of JUnit 5.

To indicate how straightforward it’s for engine authors to combine instruments with the JUnit platform, you’ll develop a (very) small check engine from scratch, named WebSmokeTest.

WebSmokeTest: The world’s smallest check engine

For many JVM languages, basing the check mannequin on lessons and strategies appears a pure match. Nonetheless, different check definition fashions are attainable in precept—so long as particular person exams could be described unambiguously by an org.junit.platform.engine.TestDescriptor implementation.

Sometimes, a check descriptor implementation must be offered by the check engine writer and represents a testable factor of the given programming mannequin, reminiscent of a single check (FieldTestDescriptor) or a container of exams (ClassTestDescriptor).

For the aim of this text, we need to implement an engine that’s each small and light-weight. Therefore, we might ponder alternate options to a method-based check mannequin. One possibility is likely to be to make use of lambdas assigned to fields—as a result of lambdas could be thought of a type of light-weight strategies. That is attainable, since we might use java.util.perform.Predicate implementations utilizing the aptly named technique boolean check(T t) for check execution and the boolean as successful/failure indicator.

Whereas such lambdas is likely to be a bit extra light-weight than full-blown strategies, possibly we are able to take this a bit additional. We are going to achieve this quickly, however let’s contemplate the area intimately first.

The issue area: Internet smoke testing

As talked about within the introduction, there could be completely different causes for making a customized engine. Right here, you need to help the necessities of a particular area in such a means that creating exams turns into quite simple for the check writer. As a easy but nonetheless helpful instance, we choose the area of HTTP-based smoke exams—on this case, a check that merely exams whether or not a URL works. Particularly, you want

◉ A succinct solution to outline the URL in opposition to which the smoke check needs to be executed

◉ A easy means to specify the anticipated HTTP standing code

Contemplate the check profitable if an HTTP GET request in opposition to the desired URL ends in the desired HTTP standing code. As for habits, the levels of freedom are extraordinarily restricted: WebSmokeTest all the time does the identical factor, specifically, execute an HTTP request in opposition to a sure server.

Since this check doesn’t want variations in habits, you’ll be able to eliminate strategies with explicitly programmed statements solely (or lambdas, for that matter). You possibly can select a totally declarative strategy: The HTTP URLs might be fields of kind String. Since you may need to add help for POST and different verbs later, mannequin the HTTP verb as an annotation, and mannequin the anticipated standing code as an argument of the annotation. Therefore, a whole smoke check would appear like as follows:

@GET(anticipated = 200)

String shouldReturn200 = “”;

The precise implementation described under provides the general public and static modifiers—however that is for implementation simplicity solely and has no actual bearing on the check mannequin.

Agreements have to be stored

If you design a customized check engine, it is very important perceive the contract between a check engine and the JUnit platform. This contract is outlined by the org.junit.platform.engine.TestEngine interface, would seems as follows:

String getId();

TestDescriptor uncover(EngineDiscoveryRequest discoveryRequest, UniqueId uniqueId);

void execute(ExecutionRequest request);

Other than some non-obligatory metadata, this interface incorporates three core tasks of a check engine. These core tasks are

◉ Identification: The engine should present a singular string by which it may be referenced and differentiated from different engines on the classpath. For instance, Jupiter’s ID is junit-jupiter.

◉ Discovery: The engine should be capable of inform the JUnit platform about every thing it considers its personal check instances. These are organized in a tree construction, with the returned TestDescriptor being the basis node.

◉ Execution: When requested by the platform, the engine should be capable of execute a given ExecutionRequest. This request incorporates a TestDescriptor referencing the exams to be run and supplies an EngineExecutionListener to the engine. The previous was beforehand returned by the engine’s personal uncover technique. The latter is then utilized by the engine’s implementation to fireside check lifecycle occasions, reminiscent of executionStarted() or executionFinished().

In lots of instances, check engines will help a hierarchical check definition mannequin—mirroring Java’s hierarchical construction of packages, lessons, and strategies. The JUnit platform supplies particular help for such hierarchical engines within the type of the base class. JUnit’s personal Jupiter check engine is itself an extension of this base class. Through the use of this help, superior options, reminiscent of parallel execution, could be readily reused by customized engines. Nonetheless, for the sake of simplicity and readability WebSmokeTest is not going to use this base class; it should implement the required interfaces instantly.

Implementing the minimal check engine

A check engine normally consists of the engine class itself and a number of TestDescriptor implementations. On this instance, there are additionally two annotations. That is by no means obligatory—when designing this train, we occurred to decide on an annotation-based testing mannequin. For such implementations, the JUnit platform supplies good help with the utility. Itemizing 1 exhibits the implementation of the customized check engine.

Itemizing 1. Implementation of the customized check engine

public class WebSmokeTestEngine implements TestEngine {

    personal static last Predicate<Class<?>> IS_WEBSMOKE_TEST_CONTAINER

            = classCandidate -> AnnotationSupport.isAnnotated(classCandidate, WebSmokeTest.class);


    public String getId() {

        return “websmoke-test”;



    public TestDescriptor uncover(EngineDiscoveryRequest request, UniqueId uniqueId) {

        TestDescriptor engineDescriptor = new EngineDescriptor(uniqueId, “Internet Smoke Take a look at”);

        request.getSelectorsByType(ClasspathRootSelector.class).forEach(selector -> {

            appendTestsInClasspathRoot(selector.getClasspathRoot(), engineDescriptor);


        request.getSelectorsByType(PackageSelector.class).forEach(selector -> {

            appendTestsInPackage(selector.getPackageName(), engineDescriptor);


        request.getSelectorsByType(ClassSelector.class).forEach(selector -> {

            appendTestsInClass(selector.getJavaClass(), engineDescriptor);


        return engineDescriptor;


    personal void appendTestsInClasspathRoot(URI uri, TestDescriptor engineDescriptor) {

        ReflectionSupport.findAllClassesInClasspathRoot(uri, IS_WEBSMOKE_TEST_CONTAINER, identify -> true) //

                .stream() //

                .map(aClass -> new ClassTestDescriptor(aClass, engineDescriptor)) //



    personal void appendTestsInPackage(String packageName, TestDescriptor engineDescriptor) {

        ReflectionSupport.findAllClassesInPackage(packageName, IS_WEBSMOKE_TEST_CONTAINER, identify -> true) //

                .stream() //

                .map(aClass -> new ClassTestDescriptor(aClass, engineDescriptor)) //



    personal void appendTestsInClass(Class<?> javaClass, TestDescriptor engineDescriptor) {

        if (AnnotationSupport.isAnnotated(javaClass, WebSmokeTest.class)) {

            engineDescriptor.addChild(new ClassTestDescriptor(javaClass, engineDescriptor));




    public void execute(ExecutionRequest request) {

        TestDescriptor root = request.getRootTestDescriptor();

        new SmokeTestExecutor().execute(request, root);



In Itemizing 1, you’ll be able to see integration, discovery, and execution at work. The uncover(EngineDiscoveryRequest, UniqueId) technique creates an engine descriptor and provides check descriptors hierarchically, whereas the EngineDiscoveryRequest offers entry to a number of implementations of org.junit.platform.engine.DiscoverySelector. Such selectors can reference varied structural parts of Java (reminiscent of strategies, lessons, packages, and the entire classpath) or the file system (information, directories), in addition to JUnit’s personal UniqueId situations. The check engine makes use of these to point to the requesting software (reminiscent of an IDE) what it considers check instances related to each such factor in line with its particular check mannequin.

The final technique in Itemizing 1 takes care of check execution: execute(ExecutionRequest request) accepts an ExecutionRequest and delegates a lot of the precise work to a helper class named SmokeTestExecutor. On this class, the assorted TestDescriptor variants are dealt with and the person exams are executed. An important elements are proven in Itemizing 2.

Itemizing 2. The execution of a single check

personal void executeTest(ExecutionRequest request, FieldTestDescriptor fieldTestDescriptor) {


    TestExecutionResult executionResult = executeTestField(fieldTestDescriptor);

    request.getEngineExecutionListener().executionFinished(fieldTestDescriptor, executionResult);


personal TestExecutionResult executeTestField(FieldTestDescriptor descriptor) {

    Discipline testField = descriptor.getTestField();

    attempt {

        int anticipated = getExpectedStatusCode(testField);

        String url = getUrl(testField);

        HttpResponse<String> response = this.executeHttpRequest(url);

        int precise = response.statusCode();

        if (anticipated != precise) {

            var message = String.format(“anticipated HTTP standing code %d however acquired %d from server”, anticipated, precise);

            return TestExecutionResult.failed(new AssertionFailedError(message, anticipated, precise));


    } catch (Exception e) {

        return TestExecutionResult.failed(new RuntimeException(“Did not execute HTTP request”, e));


    return TestExecutionResult.profitable();


The executeTest technique is accountable for sandwiching the precise execution name between lifecycle occasions. The executeTestField technique retrieves the URL and the anticipated standing code, after which it really executes the HTTP request by way of a (purely technical) helper technique. If a response is acquired, the tactic checks the precise standing code and creates a TestExecutionResult.failed() with an AssertionFailedError in case the response doesn’t meet the expectation. If sending the request throws an exception, it’s wrapped in a extra technical RuntimeException and a TestExecutionResult.failed() consequence. If all goes effectively, the tactic returns a TestExecutionResult.profitable() consequence. This principally is the entire customized check engine.

The next instance annotates the check class with @WebSmokeTest to determine the check lessons. It incorporates three separate check instances outlined by easy fields, and every area is annotated with @GET denoting the necessity to execute an HTTP GET request. (Supporting POST or different HTTP verbs can be simply as easy.)

The goal URL of the request is specified within the worth of the sector. As talked about above, you’ve gotten full freedom within the new check engine concerning find out how to design a check mannequin. You might need used strategies, as most conventional check engines do. Otherwise you might need specified the anticipated worth as a way return kind. All are completely legitimate choices. Itemizing 3 exhibits three check instances.

Itemizing 3. Three check instances for the brand new engine


public class ExampleWebSmokeTests {

    @GET(anticipated = 200)

    public static String shouldReturn200 = “”;

    @GET(anticipated = 401)

    public static String shouldReturn401 = “”;

    @GET(anticipated = 201)

    public static String expect201ButGet404 = “”;


Now that you’ve got an engine implementation and quite a lot of pattern exams in place, you solely must let the platform (and therefore, IDEs and construct instruments) know concerning the new check engine.

Take a look at engine integration

This check engine class could be instantly executed in an IDE reminiscent of IntelliJ IDEA if two circumstances are fulfilled. First, you want the check engine code on the classpath (usually in a Maven/Gradle dependency). Second, the brand new engine have to be registered with the JUnit platform. That is carried out by way of Java’s well-known SPI. To this finish, a particular file have to be current on the classpath, as you’ll be able to see in Determine 2.

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Determine 2. The JUnit configuration file utilizing the Java SPI mechanism

For the SPI mechanism to work, the filename should specify the SPI, right here named org.junit.platform.engine.TestEngine. The file incorporates just one line, the absolutely certified identify (FQN) of the principle engine class, which on this case is org.instance.websmoke.engine.WebSmokeTestEngine. This FQN should discuss with a category implementing the interface specified by the filename. When the principle engine class is executed within the IDE, the check consequence ought to look as proven in Determine 3.

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Determine 3. Execution of the principle engine class within the IDE

As could be seen in Determine 3, the mission makes use of domain-specific customized show names to reference the person check instances within the GUI of the executing IDE. Thus, on this case, you’ll be able to even show the entire check definition (the URL and the anticipated standing code) proper subsequent to the IDE image indicating success or failure. Such flexibility is enabled by the TestDescriptor mannequin, releasing the IDE from the necessity to mechanically show plain technique or area names in all instances.




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