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HomeProgrammingCSS Container Queries | CSS-Methods

CSS Container Queries | CSS-Methods

Container queries are sometimes thought-about a contemporary strategy to responsive internet design the place conventional media queries have lengthy been the gold normal — the reason is that we are able to create layouts made with parts that reply to, say, the width of their containers moderately than the width of the viewport.

.mum or dad {
  container-name: hero-banner;
  container-type: inline-size;

  /* or container: hero-banner / inline-size; */


.little one {
  show: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

/* When the container is bigger than 60 characters... */
@container hero-banner (width > 60ch) {
  /* Change the flex path of the .little one factor. */
  .little one { 
    flex-direction: row;

Why care about CSS Container Queries?

  1. When utilizing a container question, we give parts the power to alter primarily based on their container’s dimension, not the viewport.
  1. They permit us to outline the entire types for a specific factor in a extra predictable approach.
  1. They’re extra reusable than media queries in that they behave the identical regardless of the place they’re used. So, should you have been to create a element that features a container question, you would simply drop it into one other undertaking and it’ll nonetheless behave in the identical predictable style.
  1. They introduce new varieties of CSS size models that can be utilized to dimension parts by their container’s dimension.

Registering Parts as Containers

.playing cards {
  container-name: card-grid;
  container-type: inline-size;

  /* Shorthand */
  container: card-grid / inline-size;

This instance registers a brand new container named card-grid that may be queried by its inline-size, which is a elaborate approach of claiming its “width” after we’re working in a horizontal writing mode. It’s a logical property. In any other case, “inline” would discuss with the container’s “top” in a vertical writing mode.

  • The container-name property is used to register a component as a container that applies types to different parts primarily based on the container’s dimension and types.
  • The container-type property is used to register a component as a container that may apply types to different parts when it meets sure situations.
  • The container property is a shorthand that mixes the container-name and container-type properties right into a single declaration.

Some Potential Gotchas

Querying a Container

@container my-container (width > 60ch) {
  article {
    flex-direction: row;
  • The @container at-rule property informs the browser that we’re working with a container question moderately than, say, a media question (i.e., @media).
  • The my-container half in there refers back to the container’s identify, as declared within the container’s container-name property.
  • The article factor represents an merchandise within the container, whether or not it’s a direct little one of the container or an additional ancestor. Both approach, the factor should be within the container and it’ll get types utilized to it when the queried situation is matched.

Some Potential Gotchas

Container Queries Properties & Values

Container Queries Properties & Values


container-name: none | <custom-ident>+;
Worth Descriptions
  • none: The factor doesn’t have a container identify. That is true by default, so you’ll seemingly by no means use this worth, as its goal is solely to set the property’s default conduct.
  • <custom-ident>: That is the identify of the container, which may be something, aside from phrases which might be reserved for different capabilities, together with defaultnoneatno, and or. Notice that the names aren’t wrapped in quotes.
  • Preliminary worth: none
  • Applies to: All parts
  • Inherited: No
  • Percentages: N/A
  • Computed worth: none or an ordered checklist of identifiers
  • Canonical order: Per grammar
  • Animation: Not animatable


container-type: regular | dimension | inline-size;
Worth Descriptions
  • regular: This means that the factor is a container that may be queried by its types moderately than dimension. All parts are technically containers by default, so we don’t even have to explicitly assign a container-type to outline a method container.
  • dimension: That is if we need to question a container by its dimension, whether or not we’re speaking in regards to the inline or block path.
  • inline-size: This permits us to question a container by its inline dimension, which is equal to width in an ordinary horizontal writing mode. That is maybe probably the most generally used worth, as we are able to set up responsive designs primarily based on factor dimension moderately than the scale of the viewport as we’d usually do with media queries.
  • Preliminary worth: regular
  • Applies to: All parts
  • Inherited: No
  • Percentages: N/A
  • Computed worth: As specified by key phrase
  • Canonical order: Per grammar
  • Animation: Not animatable


container: <'container-name'> [ / <'container-type'> ]?
Worth Definitons

If <'container-type'> is omitted, it’s reset to its preliminary worth of regularwhich defines a method container as a substitute of a dimension container. In different phrases, all parts are type containers by default, except we explicitly set the container-type property worth to both dimension or inline-size which permits us to question a container’s dimension dimensions.

  • Preliminary worth: none / regular
  • Applies to: All parts
  • Inherited: No
  • Percentages: N/A
  • Computed worth: As specified
  • Canonical order: Per grammar
  • Animation: Not animatable

Container Size Items

Container Width & Peak Items

Unit Title Equal to…
cqw Container question width 1% of the queried container’s width
cqh Container question top 1% of the queried container’s top

Container Logical Instructions

Unit Title Equal to…
cqi Container question inline dimension 1% of the queried container’s inline dimension, which is its width in a horizontal writing mode.
cqb Container question block dimension 1% of the queried container’s inline dimension, which is its top in a horizontal writing mode.

Container Minimal & Most Lengths

Unit Title Equal to…
cqmin Container question minimal dimension The worth of cqi or cqb, whichever is smaller.
cqmax Container question most dimension The worth of cqi or cqb, whichever is bigger.

Container Model Queries

Container Model Queries is one other piece of the CSS Container Queries puzzle. As a substitute of querying a container by its dimension or inline-size, we are able to question a container’s CSS types. And when the container’s types meet the queried situation, we are able to apply types to different parts. That is the kind of “conditional” styling we’ve needed on the internet for a very long time: If these types match over right here, then apply these different types over there.

CSS Container Model Queries are solely obtainable as an experimental function in trendy internet browsers on the time of this writing, and even then, type queries are solely able to evaluating CSS {custom} properties (i.e., variables).

Browser Help

The function remains to be thought-about experimental on the time of this writing and isn’t supported by any browser, except enabled by way of function flags.


Chrome Firefox IE Edge Safari
128 No No 125 TP

Cellular / Pill

Android Chrome Android Firefox Android iOS Safari
125 No 125 No

Registering a Model Container

article {
  container-name: card;

That’s actually it! Truly, we don’t even want the container-name property except we have to goal it particularly. In any other case, we are able to skip registering a container altogether.

And should you’re questioning why there’s no container-type declaration, that’s as a result of all parts are already thought-about containers. It’s loads like how all parts are place: relative by default; there’s no have to declare it. The one motive we’d declare a container-type is that if we wish a CSS Container Dimension Question as a substitute of a CSS Container Model Question.

So, actually, there is no such thing as a have to register a container type question as a result of all parts are already type containers proper out of the field! The one motive we’d declare container-name, then, is solely to assist choose a particular container by identify when writing a method question.

Utilizing a Model Container Question

@container type(--bg-color: #000) {
  p { colour: #fff; }

On this instance, we’re querying any matching container (as a result of all parts are type containers by default).

Discover how the syntax it’s loads like a conventional media question? The largest distinction is that we’re writing @container as a substitute of @media. The opposite distinction is that we’re calling a type() perform that holds the matching type situation. This manner, a method question is differentiated from a dimension question, though there is no such thing as a corresponding dimension() perform.

On this occasion, we’re checking if a sure {custom} property named --bg-color is about to black (#000). If the variable’s worth matches that situation, then we’re setting paragraph (p) textual content colour to white (#fff).

Customized Properties & Variables

.card-wrapper {
  --bg-color: #000;
.card {
  @container type(--bg-color: #000) {
    /* Customized CSS */

Nesting Model Queries

@container type(--featured: true) {
  article {
    grid-column: 1 / -1;
  @container type(--theme: darkish) {
    article {
      --bg-color: #000;
      --text: #fff;


CSS Container Queries are outlined within the CSS Containment Module Degree 3 specification, which is at the moment in Editor’s Draft standing on the time of this writing.

Browser Help

Browser help for CSS Container Dimension Queries is nice. It’s simply type queries which might be missing help on the time of this writing.

  • Chrome 105 shipped on August 30, 2022, with help.
  • Safari 16 shipped on September 12, 2022, with help.
  • Firefox 110 shipped on February 14, 2023, with help.


Chrome Firefox IE Edge Safari
106 110 No 106 16.0

Cellular / Pill

Android Chrome Android Firefox Android iOS Safari
125 126 125 16.0


Card Element

On this instance, a “card” element adjustments its format primarily based on the quantity of accessible house in its container.

Name to Motion Panel

This instance is loads like these little panels for signing up for an electronic mail publication. Discover how the format adjustments 3 times in line with how a lot obtainable house is within the container. That is what makes CSS Container Queries so highly effective: you possibly can fairly actually drop this panel into any undertaking and the format will reply because it ought to, because it’s primarily based on the house it’s in moderately than the scale of the browser’s viewport.

Stepper Element

This element shows a collection of “steps” very like a timeline. In wider containers, the stepper shows steps horizontally. But when the container turns into sufficiently small, the stepper shifts issues round in order that the steps are vertically stacked.

Icon Button

Generally we like to embellish buttons with an icon to intensify the button’s label with a bit of extra that means and context. And typically we don’t know simply how huge that button might be in any given context, which makes it robust to know when precisely to cover the icon or re-arrange the button’s types when house turns into restricted. On this instance, an icon is exhibited to the suitable fringe of the button so long as there’s room to suit it beside the button label. If room runs out, the button turns into a sq. tile that stacks the icons above the label. Discover how the border-radius is about in container question models, 4cqi, which is the same as 4% of the container’s inline-size (i.e. width) and leads to rounder edges because the button grows in dimension.


Pagination is a good instance of a element that advantages from CSS Container Queries as a result of, relying on the quantity of house we now have, we are able to select to show hyperlinks to particular person pages, or cover them in favor of solely two buttons, one to paginate to older content material and one to paginate to newer content material.

Articles & Tutorials

Basic Info
Container Dimension Question Tutorials
Container Model Queries
Almanac References
Associated Guides




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