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HomeGolangFilter a textual content by the key phrase - Getting Assist

Filter a textual content by the key phrase – Getting Assist

Hello group,

I’m making an attempt to filter a textual content by the key phrase with golang. Principally, what I’m executing:

bundle fundamental

import (

func branches() {
	out, err := exec.Command("git", "department", "-a", "--sort=-committerdate", "--column", "--format="%(committerdate)%09%(refname:quick)"").Output()

	if err != nil {
		// log.Deadly(err)
		fmt.Println("Could not discover any branches within the repository")

	str1 := string(out)


func fundamental() {
	fmt.Printf("1. CHECK ALL BRANCHES: ")

And getting:

go run fundamental.go
1. CHECK ALL BRANCHES: 'Mon Oct 3 12:20:53 2022 +0000	grasp'
'Mon Oct 3 12:20:53 2022 +0000	origin/HEAD'
'Mon Oct 3 12:20:53 2022 +0000	origin/grasp'
'Mon Oct 3 12:12:01 2022 +0000	origin/launch/v1'
'Wed Apr 27 06:26:22 2022 +0000	origin/launch/v2'
'Tue Feb 15 14:46:55 2022 +0000	origin/launch/v3'
'Mon Might 24 16:05:45 2021 +0300	origin/release-v1'
'Tue Oct 6 14:43:56 2020 +0300	origin/release-v1.0.0'

The aim is to get all strains with branches which are older than 2022, so 2021, 2020, 2019, and many others. (yr = key phrase, if that helps to succeed in the primary aim) and show these strains within the command line/terminal.

Possibly somebody might recommend tips on how to attain that? :slight_smile:


I’ve discovered a strategy to remedy this difficulty utilizing ‘nested for loop’.

To begin with I’ve transformed ‘out’ variable to string, then separated it into fields:

str1 := string(out)

s := strings.Fields(str1)

Second step was to create a string array with dates I’m all for:

	var strarray [6]string
	strarray[0] = "2016"
	strarray[1] = "2017"
	strarray[2] = "2018"
	strarray[3] = "2019"
	strarray[4] = "2020"
	strarray[5] = "2021"

and at last, nested for loop:

for _, v := vary s {
		for _, phrase := vary strarray {
			if phrase == v {
				fmt.Println("Discovered some outdated branches: ", v)

It really works, however the OUTPUT just isn’t the one I anticipated:

go run fundamental.go
Discovered some outdated branches:  2021
Discovered some outdated branches:  2020

I questioning is it potential to output the entire line with the “key phrase” discovered within the ‘git department’ output, like:

go run fundamental.go
Discovered some outdated branches: 
'Mon Might 24 16:05:45 2021 +0300	origin/release-v1'
'Tue Oct 6 14:43:56 2020 +0300	origin/release-v1.0.0'

And if nothing was discovered:

go run fundamental.go

Any ideas?

Thanks prematurely!

Cut up out into strains as a substitute. Put your goal years in a map[string]bool. Use an everyday expression to extract the yr from every line regexp bundle – regexp – Go Packages. Verify whether or not the map incorporates the extracted yr as a key, and if that’s the case, print a message about discovering the out of date yr and set a boolean variable to true. If the variable continues to be false after the loop, print your success message.

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Hello @mje,

Thanks to your reply! I’ve tried to use your suggestions and will efficiently get outdated branches:

    str1 := string(out)

	temp := strings.Cut up(str1, `n`)

	// Create a map with years
	var mapper = map[string]bool{
		"2016": true,
		"2017": true,
		"2018": true,
		"2019": true,
		"2020": true,
		"2021": true,

	// Verify whether or not the map incorporates the extracted yr as a key
	for _, v := vary temp {

		var notvalidID = regexp.MustCompile(`202([0-1])`)
		var notvalidID2 = regexp.MustCompile(`201([0-9])`)

		tsts := notvalidID2.FindAllString(v, -1)
		tst := notvalidID.FindAllString(v, -1)

		for _, tz := vary tst {
			if _, exists := mapper[tz]; exists {

				fmt.Printf("Discovered outdated department, yr: %s n", tz)
			} else {

		for _, tz := vary tsts {
			if _, exists := mapper[tz]; exists {

				fmt.Printf("Discovered outdated department, yr: %s n", tz)
			} else {


Discovered outdated department, yr: 2019
Discovered outdated department, yr: 2018
Discovered outdated department, yr: 2018

As an alternative of the output above is it potential to print the precise line the place the important thing(yr) was discovered? Like:

go run fundamental.go
Discovered some outdated branches: 
'Mon Might 24 16:05:45 2021 +0300	origin/release-v1'
'Tue Oct 6 14:43:56 2020 +0300	origin/release-v1.0.0'

The second factor I’m nervous about is that it doesn’t output the duty of the “else” assertion. Thus, in case nothing was discovered, “Handed” must be displayed, however it’s not:

go run fundamental.go
CHECK ALL BRANCHES:  //"Handed" must be right here if nothing was discovered

Thanks prematurely!

Ought to be

                allGood := true
		for _, tz := vary tst {
			if _, exists := mapper[tz]; exists {

				fmt.Printf("Discovered outdated department, yr: %s n", tz)
                                allGood = false
                if allGood {



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Hello @mje,

Thanks to your reply with examples! That helped to unravel a problem with if/else assertion.

Do you will have any concepts tips on how to get the anticipated “branches output”?

go run fundamental.go
Discovered some outdated branches:
‘Mon Might 24 16:05:45 2021 +0300 origin/release-v1’
‘Tue Oct 6 14:43:56 2020 +0300 origin/release-v1.0.0’

Is that not what v incorporates?



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