Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeGolangDefault worth of T any - Getting Assist

Default worth of T any – Getting Assist

I’ve the next code which is an train from right here (A Tour of Go).

bundle primary

import (

// Record represents a singly-linked checklist that holds
// values of any kind.
kind Record[T any] struct {
	subsequent *Record[T]
	val  T

func (head Record[T]) my_next() (T, error) {
    if head.subsequent == nil {
        return head.val, errors.New("no subsequent component")
    return head.subsequent.val, nil;

func primary() {
    l := Record[int]{nil, 123};


The my_next methodology is meant to get the subsequent component within the linked checklist. If we’re on the tail, it ought to return a non-nil error.

If head.subsequent == nil, then we actually shouldn’t returning something for the worth (we must always solely return an error). I attempted return nil, errors.New("no subsequent component") however that might not compile. Briefly, this case labored out as a result of I can simply return head.val as a dummy/placeholder worth which I do know is of kind T.

Is there any manner I can assemble a default of/for kind T any?
Perhaps I’m in search of a “constructable” or “defaultable” interface or one thing comparable?

Very new to go, any and all assistance is appreciated!

You may do one thing like this:

if head.subsequent == nil {
	var empty T
	return empty, errors.New("no subsequent component")

I figured I used to be lacking one thing easy like that. Thanks a lot to your assist! :grinning:



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